Enrollment and Advisement Tools

The Office of the University Registrar is in constant pursuit of ways to improve the PeopleSoft Student Records module experience for our students, faculty, and staff. Below is a list of the PeopleSoft initiatives/projects we are currently supporting.

Degree Planner

A new tool for helping students evaluate degree requirement options.  Degree Planner offers flexible “What-If” scenarios and provides a clear visual map to graduation.  Advisor User Guide available here!

HighPoint Campus Experience (CX)

A modernized user interface for PeopleSoft, PeopleSoft/HighPoint Campus Experience (CX) serves as the beginning of a transition from the PS Mobile experience to one with improved user focus and mobile optimization. Instructor and advisor user guides available here!

Academic Record / Advisement Report (AAR)

The Academic Advisement Report (AAR) is an interactive graduation audit tool that helps students, and their advisors see their progress towards graduation. The AAR showing courses that a student has taken, and which are still required. Additionally, the AAR allows for students to select courses that are needed for their degree and either add them to the Shopping Cart or My Planner.

Shopping Cart Validation

Shopping Cart Validation is a PeopleSoft feature that allows students to easily prepare for enrollment and advising appointments. Students will add prospective classes into their shopping cart through PeopleSoft Student Center. Once a potential schedule is built, students can simply select the classes and click the "validate" button.

Post Enrollment Requirement Checking

PERC is a PeopleSoft process/solution that compares a class’s enrollment requirements to an enrolled student’s completed classes to determine if the students have satisfied the enrollment requirements for that class. No more sifting through a student's Academic Record to determine if the student has satisfied requirements for an upcoming class!